Until We Meet Again
Nukilan dari rose! , May 21, 2010
Today is my last night in Kuching, Sarawak. esok nk kene pegi da. seriously rse down je nie. cm cpt je mse berlalu. trase cm bru smlm je abes skola. oh skola. i miss school. eh bukan. i miss my friends kt skola. Eva, Lorritta, Mie, Belinda, Athan, Lewis, Alden, Mike, Andi. u guys have been such a wonderful friends to me. i'll nvr forget u guys.
teringt blk time form 4, form 5 dulu. rindu sgt time tuh. my place slalu je jdi tmpt gosip. aha. asl cekgu tade je, kitorg slalu kumpul rmai2. cte mrepek2 lah. gelak sne sni. huhu. xpon dga diorg cp bhs diorg lah. xphm ape. ahaha. u guys aja rose ckp bhs korg pon smpai skunk rose x reti2 kan. hehe. phm je bole. nk ckp tergagap abes! hurm, bler lgi la ye kte bole lepak2 sme sme
time nk amek result spm la plg best. sume dtg gather kt ruma rose. kte g sme2 kan amek result. da lps nanges2 ngn result, dgn mata bengkak lgi, kte enjoy sakan. sushi king! hehe. thn nie bnyk kali kn kte hang out. duk menghabiskan duet je. aha. lor lah slalu jdi mangse rose. biler boring je ajak lor kua. tpi awk x kesa kan? sbb awk pon suke :D
the guys; athan, lewis, mike, andi, alden.. korg pon best sgt. korg sume lyn rose cm adk kecik. korg jage rose. hehe. terharu sgt. ingt lgi x time kte pegi spring nek moto tuh. ngeee. kn hujan. sanggup lewis bg rose pkai jaket lewis so rose x basah kan. bia lewis yg basah kuyup. rose syg sgt kt korg. athan slalu dga prob rose. athan cm abg rose sniri taw x.
korg, nnt kte wat reunion taw. rose xkan lpe kn korg. rose syg korg sgt sgt.
p/s: i was hoping for u guys to read this. n while typing this post, i cried. luv u all
i'm touched! ;.-)