Music Shuffle Game!

Nukilan dari rose! , March 28, 2010

Simply put your music player in SHUFFLE, and answer all the following QUESTION with the tittle of the song that comes on


What should they have played when you were born?: I Got Fooled By You - Brown Eyed Girls

What song will people play at your funeral?: Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

What song will you play at your wedding?: The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance

What song will you play when you rule the world?: Thanks For The Memories - Fall Out Boy

What song will you play when you’re in heaven?: Chop Suey - System Of A Down

What song makes you feel….

Happy: Hot Issue - 4 Minute

Sad: Know Why The Nightingale Sings - Nightwish )

Sexy: Hysteria - Muse

Angry: I'm So Sick - Flyleaf

Jealous: Cinta Ini Membunuhku - D'Massive

Flirty: I Believe I Can Fly - R. Kelly

Evil: Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion

Innocent: For The Heart I Once Had - Nightwish

Beautiful: Angel - The Corrs

What song makes you feel like you’re an armadillo?: Love Is . . . - Mihimaru GT

What song makes you feel like you can fly?: Diva - After School

What song makes you cry?: Boyfriend - Ashlee Simpson

What song makes you feel like dancing?: When I Grow Up - Pussycat Dolls

What song makes you feel like being emo?: Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf

What song reminds you that life sucks?: Hallelujah - Big Bang

What song makes you nervous?: Pretty Boy - 2 Ne 1

This song describes…

Yourself: I Walk Alone - Tarja

Your mom: Hakuna Matata - Disney Soundtrack : Lion King

Your dad: Supergirl - Super Junior M

Your best friend: Khatimah Cinta - 6ixth Sense

Your life: Never Say Goodbye - My Girl OST

Your death: Holiday - Greenday

Your attitude towards life: But It's Better If You Do - Panic! At The Disco

Earth Hour!

Nukilan dari rose!

This is how we spend Earth Hour ! ! ! Let pictures do the talking :D

My Earth Hour was EXTREAMLY FUN ! How bout urs? ;)

My Gurls

Nukilan dari rose! , March 22, 2010

Within my book of memories,
Are special thoughts of you.
And all the many nice things
You often say and do

As I turn the pages,
And recall each single thought,
I realize the happiness
That knowing you has brought.

There are memories of the times we've shared
Both bright and sunny days.
There are memories of your kindness
And your friendly thoughtful ways.

There are memories of all those notes,
we would write back and forth,
When we would just get together,
And talk of this or that.

And when I recall these memories
As I go along life's way,
I find they grow more precious still
With every passing day.

Lost !

Nukilan dari rose! , March 19, 2010

seriously im lost. im not myself lately. im trying my best to keep this up. im down on my luck this month. help me ! ! !

Tataw Lah!

Nukilan dari rose! , March 17, 2010

i am SOOOO not in a mood to post anything


Nukilan dari rose! , March 14, 2010


Good person, you're my first love
The person who taught me love
Never forget you
I remember you
I remember
only you

I'll see you, so I wear the clothes you bought me
Cut my hair short the way you liked it
To walk the road I walked with you
I walk around the long way, thinking maybe you'll be there
I kept my old phone number
Maybe you'll try to find me again, my house still the same
In my mini-hompy, the songs we used to listen together
Maybe you'll see me, maybe you'll come back

We didn't forget each other yet
We still
want each other
We are still loving
seperate ways
Actually, I want to
see you
miss you like crazy
I wait for you forever
In the end, I wait for you
I stop to wonder
I'm going around in circles

Good person, you're my first love
The person who taught me love
Never forget you
I remember you
I remember
only you

Yo, maybe I'll see you
Maybe your heart will shake at that road
Worrying that my heart will become weak
Worrying that you'll see my bone-skinny state
I avoided that road I walked with you
I walked the long way, thinking you'd be there
I changed my phone number already
I moved houses, thinking I'll think of you
But still unspeakable words leak from my mouth
Maybe I'll see you, maybe you'll come back

We didn't forget each other yet
We still
want each other
We are still loving
seperate ways
Truthfully, I want to
see you
miss you like crazy
I wait for you forever
In the end, I wait for you
I stop to wonder
I'm going around in circles

Good person, you're my first love
The person who taught me love
Never forget you
I remember you
I remember
only you

"Let's start again"
I want to
say to you
I can't see you nor hear you
but I'm still
holding on to you

Getting soaked by the pouring rain
I go to the place where we first met
I feel so pathetic
The warm place is still there in my heart
Can you endure
any more?
Then I'll endure a little more
But it takes some effort, I loved you too much
I tried my best, but it's impossible

Maybe I'll see you by coincidence
Maybe you'll see me
I wipe my tears, looking at
myself in the mirror
Maybe you'll come back

Good person, you're my first love
The person who taught me love
Never forget you
I remember you
I remember
only you

Nukilan dari rose! , March 12, 2010

SPM!! Fuck you!! Darn you!! Haaaa! Result is bad. Sucks actually -_-‘’ well CONGRATULATION ROSE ! thts wht u get when u’r not putting much EFFORT in doing it! I wish I cld undo it! Haiihh! I got all B for my science subjects. Hooray -____-‘’ it sucks actually. It really does. No use of regretting it now. Look forward ! think wisely on wht u wanna do next. But having only 5A’s, thrs not much course is available for u my dear L

To get into a science field is not tht easy! Since ur all of ur science subject is B, its soo damn hard to be in tht field. U’ll hav to compete with othr brilliant student. Luckily, I’m still qualified to pursue my study in my DREAM course which is LAW!!! Clap clap!! Seriously, I need to struggle now! No more games!!! L

Anyway, aftr getting tht stupid result, we went celebrating our SUCKNESS and SADNESS at Sushi King. HAHAH! It was funny actually. With our baggy eyes, we went out n having some fun. Nonetheless, we did get rid of our sadness. Thank you Sushi King :D

Oh yea, today went to tht so called dance class. HAHA! Thrs some vip’s r coming to TUDM Kuching Base for a visit n we need to perform something. Soo taa-daaa, we hav decided to perfom ‘Orang Ulu’ traditional dance :D not tht hard n not tht easy too. Well I hav some difficulties in handling tht ‘bulu-bulu’ thingy on my hand. HAHAHA *tatau ah ape name bende tuh* a lecturer from UNIMAS taught us tht dance routine. It was easy BUT its way too hard to handle tht thingy -___-‘’

Thank you MIEN for the lovely pictures :D

No Tittle !!

Nukilan dari rose! , March 9, 2010

Some brief info bout my activities last week :)

1 March 2010 (Monday) - Driving classs! n i nail it!!!!! ptg tuh hang out with lorr :p

2 March 2010 (Tuesday) - kua pusing2 dlm keta with some mates from kuching :D

3 March 2010 (Wednesday) - Gurls Day Out!!! What a fun day :D

4 March 2010 (Thursday) - Driving class! n i sucks -__-'' *pnt sgt kot cuz x ckop rest :p*

5 March 2010 (Friday) - Hari Mengemas Rumah!!! *rajen x? :D

6 March 2010 2010 (Saturday) - Go-karrttt!!! n i met a reaalllyyy cute guy XD

7 March 2010 (Sunday) - My last driving class! *da la pns! abes itam*

CONCLUSION! - Last week asyik kua saja -_-'' mama pon bising


Nukilan dari rose! , March 6, 2010

Im currently in love with him


N ths song really touches my heart! The lyric n melody :D

I’m really, very foolish
I know of no one other than you
you’re looking at someone else
yet you have no idea of my feelings like this

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be in the memories either, however
only you, I looked only at you
and the tears keep coming

As i watch you walking past, I’m still happy
even yet you still don’t know my heart
I should stop this and go

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be in the memories either, however
only you, I looked only at you
I’m making memories alone
Loving you is like having a beautiful wound
I look at your pretty smile also
but I cannot laugh with you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you

bye bye, never say goodbye
even though I cannot hold you like this
I need you, I cannot say anything more, I want you
I keep on hoping too, I’ll keep hoping….

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you

Nukilan dari rose! , March 4, 2010

Mood: Cheerful & Tired

i've just created a formspring account. HAHA! it looks kinda fun so just trying it out :D so feel free to ask me anythg.

tekan sini

Yesterday was such a blast! Haha!! Seriously had lots of fun ;) a day out with mien, lor n bel. Oh dun 4get those 2 boys who came a bit late; azwan n john. Lor n bel arrived at my place around 9 a.m. urgh they disturb me from my beauty sleep! Well we went to The Spring around 12 noon. Luckily mien’s mom is so generous to send us thr :D

Went straight to K-Box *sme cm RedBox la kt K.L* tht place was quiet oke lah. More or less the same as Redbox. 56 is our room! Spent 3 hours thr. Haha! Total price, Rm 99 -__-‘’ *bye bye money* lots of pictures were taken thr. i'll just upload the nicest one :D

Aftr tht headed to Sushi King!! Ordered some of the sushi’s. it was so yummy!! xD *lor! Dpt gak en mkn sushi. Da la arie isnin aritu x jadi* Total – Rm 30.xx *cant rmbr the exact price*

Aftr tht delicious meal, we went shopping! *ske gler care john ckp ‘shopping’* HAHA! The gurls did bought something for them. Idk wht is it. I spend Rm 89.90 on Nicole’s top, Rm 80.00 on Nichii’s dress, Rm 29.00 on Cindy’s belt. Total – Rm 198.90

Sooooo…..the grand total for yesterday Day Out was….. calculate them urself! pfftt -_-‘’ abes duettt! Da la balik kne mara. Haha..nvm…jnji best!!! :D thank you lah syarimin, lorritta, Belinda, azwan and john for cheering me up ;) u guys r awesome !!

Driving License !!!

Nukilan dari rose! , March 2, 2010

Got a funny text from him today… ;)

Him “Nk tnye ni. Teka teki!”

Me! “Aha. Excited dye ye. Oke2. Tnye pat”

Him “Jwb cpt2 au..”

Me! “Oke !”

Him “Tikus ape 2 kaki?”

Me!: “Mickey mouse!”

Him “Ok.. Anjing ape 2 kaki”

Me! “Goofy!”

Him “Itik ape 2 kaki”

Me! “Donald duck! :D”

Him “Itik sume 2 kaki :p”

Me! “Hahaha!!! Ceh ptot la suh org jwb cpt2. Grr!”

Him “Haha. Kene :p”

Me! “Mmg t'kne. Mn la dye dpt eh..”

Him “Ade laa.. Hehe. Xtau plak **** itik ade 4 kaki”

Me! “ Magical duck! Haha. Excited kne kn org!”

Him “Haha. Pdn mke.. Em **** tdo jap eh. Ngantok sgt”

Me! “Alrite. Take care”

After tht, I was like “HAHAHAHA! Tros tdo ye lps dpt kene kn org.” n seriously, I was laughing real hard -__-‘’ mama kt sblh pelik tgk anak dye gelak sorg2 bce msg. Apelaaaa. sry nme x leh tules :DD

Early tht morning ade driving class. Sir Richard ckp my performance tdy quite outstanding! Haha! Suke suke! Tade mati mati enjen da :DD n dye sroh amek test jpj next Monday which is on 8th of March. Haha!

Kreta papa is waiting for me. heh heh heh! dr kreta tuh tersadai je kt ruma without anyone using it, baek lanyak jea en :DD tgu jea la kau rx-8. siap kau aku keje kan. well actly da siap di kerjakan pon keta tuh. pnye la poyo gler nk test drive smpai langga. abes keta tuh ade scratch. xpe2. papa x kate ape. snyp jea. hehehe ;)

sume org da start ckp psl result. 10 mac laa. 11 mac la. 16 mac pon ade. haish mcm2 tarikh tol. well who cares anyway! jnji dpt result gak. kinda excited gak. but nervous in the same time. ye la nk taw dpt bpe. da la blajar srupa x blajar jea time spm aritu. hahah! family mbrs sume ckp "syera kau dpt 5A jea kot ni" n i was like " HUH??!" trok sgt ke aku nie. haisshhh. xpe2. hopefully dpt lbih ahh. more than nana pon xpe. hehe! woah! look at the time now! SUPERNATURAL TIMEE!! Jensen Ackles is waiting for me